
My chest is tightening with anxiety
Panic creeping up my throat like dark butterflies
Wings fluttering like the blood pulsing in my ears
Up and up and up they rise
They burst from my lips, escaping but infinite
Mingling with my screams, with my cries
Muffled by this soundproof cage
Caught in silk pillows, never to see the skies

The fire dances in a hearth long cold
And it's then that I begin to realize
As fear has clouded my thoughts
I haven't ceased to analyze
Though you haven't voiced a threat
I can see your hasty disguise
To pull the unraveling thread
Would surely be unwise
Resist, withstand, defy
You never wanted to be my demise

Your anger is a storm that comes in waves
Tidal, battering, they terrorize
I drown in pain not meant for me
Floating with the corpses of all those you despise
Your hands wound but your words lacerate
I whisper light but you demonize
You know every excuse but I am silent
I know it wasn't me but you chastise

Give to me your pain, your anger, and your fear
Let's see if I can take it, though I never volunteered
Maybe the thoughts in your head will drown in my tears
Maybe the anguish you feel won't be so severe
So let down your guard, release the veneer
Tell me you love me and hold me near
Tell me you hate me, at least you're sincere
Just tell me so I don't have to hang in limbo here

Do I live or do I die, I've only pretended I get to decide
The only thing I've ever chosen was not to be your bride
So just tell me
Do I live or do I die?


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