Three, three, one, three

You don't even love me 

Just a day and thirty

But wise enough to flee 

Run away, boy

While you still have the chance

I'll creep into your heart

Like a cancer 

Run away, boy

While it's just my claws

You know I don't have

The answer 

Run away, boy

While you still have doubt

Before you need a


Block my number

Throw away your phone 

Delete every photograph

You're better off alone 

Pack your things

Or count them lost 

Your life would be

A greater loss 

Take to the hills

And then keep going 

It's worth the price

Of never knowing 

We'll torment each other

In life or with death 

Run away, boy

Before you draw your last breath 

Three, three, one, three

I pray you never loved me 

Three, three, one, three

I never was the key 

It's in you 


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