Satan's Counsel

Playing therapist to the devil

So my seat in hell is a throne

Bodies of those I've failed at my feet

Propped up by bones

It eats at me and brings me down

But there's no plane below hell

I'll keep myself here for eternity

There's no forgiveness no matter how much I dwell

Because the unforgivable 

Is that I don't hate this padded chair

The ruby silk you've draped me in

The braids in my hair

I don't hate the way men pause

When I've chosen to speak

And the power I've been granted

Proves that I'm not weak

I don't hate the way my thoughts

Twist in the mind of men

Then come out in their actions

Convinced it was them

But living in the minds of the powerful

Was never going to be what I needed

I could manipulate and make a difference

But lives burnt out unheeded

And when it got to be too much

My devil went and set me free

Left me with promises and protection

And sent me up to purgatory

Shouldn't it be better here?

The grass is greener and the sun is bright

But I got used to the darkness

And miss the moonlight

I miss the way I bent their pitch black minds

Cut their heart without them knowing

Let a snake of light slither in

And left the scarlet blood flowing

I miss the way I stood - a pillar against the storm

The way I turned the tide

When all felt lost, at least there was me

At the very least, I tried

But now what do I stand for?

What good do I do?

All I saved was myself

I failed to save you

You thought you were saving me from yourself

But I'm the only one that can save me

I'm trapped of my own devise

Drowning in this cardinal sea


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